I’ve copied and pasted most of the content here from a reddit post made by user Adventurous-Ear9433. This is very interesting. The tonoscope image below shows that the sonic vibrations produced by the sound “Om” or “OHM” reveal the near exact geometry of the Sri Yantra Mandala, which is thought to be several thousand years old. How would have the yogins of ancient times come to intuit such a thing?
From the original reddit post:
Om -Cymatics The notion of the importance sound/frequency/vibration has been understood by many mystery schools, Tibetan Monks, and Sufi mystics, and has been further analyzed through the study of Cymatics. Cymatics is the study of the visual effects of sound on matter. As creation is sounded, the Sri Yantra pattern appears. The word yantra means “geometric mantra” often seen in cymatics.
Dr Hans Jenny Cymatics did great research in this field. Whether it was the cycle of the seasons, a bird’s feathers, a rain drop, the formation of weather patterns, mountains or ocean waves—or even poetry, the periodic table, music or social systems—Dr. Jenny saw an underlying, unifying theme: wave patterns, produced by vibration. “Wherever we look, we can describe what we see in terms of periodicities and rhythmicities,” he wrote. “When nature creates anything it creates in this periodic style.” For him, everything reflected inherent patterns of vibration involving number, proportion and symmetry—what he called the “harmonic principle.”A harmonic is a sound wave that is related to a fundamental frequency. Not just Sound, but Frequency & Vibration as well go into the equation.
Sound waves are longitudinal waves which require a medium , such as air or water, in which to travel. Sound does not travel in a vacuum. The material properties of the medium determine the speed with which the sound wave travels through that medium.
Jung discovered that there were similarities in the mandalas constructed by his patients despite the cultural differences they presented. Thus, the creation of mandalas was incorporated in his psychotherapy and was used as means of identification of emotional disorders and attaining wholeness in personality.
The best method of healing, is & has always been by sound vibrations. Every discovery during the early 20th century was suppressed though. 528hz-Healing
The ancients (all over the world) built many powerful and enigmatic structures, utilizing the elements from their environment, combining them with the energy naturally emanating from the earth, and constructed them in a fabric of sacred geometry reflecting the very cosmology and energetic make-up of our holographic universe. When you look at the sine and cosine complementary wave components, you see a dual ring design, which is the 2-D version of the sacred geometric shape, the double torus. The double torus is a powerful shape (produced by the Coriolis effect) that can be seen in the formation of galaxies and our own solar system! The combination of two rings in this fashion creates, in the middle, a very significant shape called the Vesica Pisces.
Youll find how special the number 23 is throughout our galaxy, and in particular its relationship with Earth and Sirius. 23 is really the manifestation of a wave signature and it has its origins in sound: 23 cycles per second produces the note Gb (F#), the vibration of our planet’s OHM frequency.By superimposing the polar grid over the musical octave, we start to see how time and space are organised by the OHM sound, or our infrasonic vibration